
I Accept Myself

I Accept Myself

Take a few deep breaths and release the tension from your shoulders. Sit straight and close your eyes for a minute and just relax and breathe. Then,Tods donne Gommino scarpe viola, when you feel more relaxed,The Title of My Website, open your eyes and read the following to yourself slowly:

"Today I can accept myself. I do not need to be perfect. I am loveable just as I am,Marrone Hogan Uomo Interactive, even with my quirks and faults. I have many good qualities. I do my best. I care about others. I am also _______.

I am equal to other people. No one is perfect. We each have different experiences in life and have been given different challenges and different opportunities. I will not compare myself to them, or them to me, because that would not be fair.

I value myself because I have value. Everyone has value. There have also been times when I've been there for others and times I have made others smile. I am loved. I also value my life because it gives me the opportunity to grow and experience,The Title of My Website, to learn, to love,Hogan Donna Progetto Rosso Bianco, to be loved, to laugh, to try things,hogan, to have triumphs and to make mistakes,Hogan scarpe donna nuovo arrivo 2012 grigio-nero, to learn from those mistakes and to grow some more because I had them. I will go with the flow and enjoy life and its challenges.

I am at peace with myself. I will be loving and encouraging to me,Hogan scarpe donna in pelle 525 nera, like a caring and wise parent that wishes me to be healthy,Christian Louboutin chaussures Belle 85mm multivente pas cher, successful, and happy. I wish these things for myself. I will nurture a stronger, more confident me.

When I find I am being hard on myself, I will simply let it go. I will take a few deep breaths and remember love,Christian Louboutin Madame Butterfly Bootie 140mm chaussuresvente au rabais, and then I will begin again. I accept myself and will treat myself kindly. 相关的主题文章:

